How to Scan Your Computer for Multibit Wallet Files

Multibit Classic and Multibit HD were two popular wallet software during the 2010s, but they were abandoned in 2017. During that time, many people bought Bitcoins, used Multibit to store them and forgot about them… until recently, when they realized that Bitcoin was worth a lot of money. Now, they would like to …

How to Scan Your Computer for Lost Bitcoin Wallets

Sometimes, people get in touch with me because they have bought Bitcoins a long time ago – like in the early 2010s –, when its price was much lower than it is today. Now that their coins are worth a lot more, they would like to sell them, but here’s the issue: they are not sure where the coins are stored. They …

How to Find Your Bitcoin Wallet Address in Electrum

Electrum is a popular wallet software that is used by many people to receive, send and manage their Bitcoins. If you wish to receive Bitcoins to your wallet, you will need to give people an address so that they know where to send them. In order to know your Bitcoin address, open your wallet in Electrum. You should see …